Flowers in the Grass
Flowers in the Grass
Flowers in the Grass (interior)
Flowers in the Grass (interior)
Large Bullseye Vegetable Plate
Large Bullseye Vegetable Plate
12" x 8" x 8"/sold
12" x 8" x 8"/sold
18" x 8"/$225/second view
18" x 8"/$225/second view
18" x 15"/ $325
18" x 15"/ $325
17" x 14"/ $250
17" x 14"/ $250
11" x 7"/$95
11" x 7"/$95
7"/ $60  9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60  9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60  9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60  9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60  9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60  9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
Fruity Bowl with Apples
Fruity Bowl with Apples
Luscious Pears (front)
Luscious Pears (front)
Luscious Pears
Luscious Pears
Bluebirds Hold the Rings
Bluebirds Hold the Rings
Bowl of Plums (top)
Bowl of Plums (top)
Bowl of Oranges (top)
Bowl of Oranges (top)

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