Flowers in the Grass
Flowers in the Grass (interior)
Large Bullseye Vegetable Plate
12" x 8" x 8"/sold
18" x 8"/$225/second view
18" x 15"/ $325
17" x 14"/ $250
11" x 7"/$95
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
7"/ $60 9"/$80
Fruity Bowl with Apples
Luscious Pears (front)
Luscious Pears
Bluebirds Hold the Rings
Bowl of Plums (top)
Bowl of Oranges (top)